Designer Caelin Gabriel set out to design a new benchmark for value that would perform well beyond the VENOM-X’s affordable price points. Based on exhaustive test results, the VENOM-X range of cables have exceeded every expectation. VENOM-X cable designs are expressly developed to offer performance previously considered unobtainable at two to three times their affordable price points.
The key to the VENOM-X cables performance is their customization, conductor treatments and the foundation of science that underscores all Shunyata Research cable designs. Whether it is the PMZ conductors in the digital cables that eliminates added impedance, or the balanced tone and geometry of VTX conductors in the speaker cables, the VENOM-X model cables are poised to become Shunyata’s next range of multi-award-winning products.
Current price listed for Venom-X USB 1.5M For longer sizes = $45/0.25M Call the store for further Pricing